Most people are aware of just how important it is that they keep their teeth clean on a daily basis. From brushing between meals to remembering to floss, there is a lot that you can do to fight off every day plaque buildup. But as important as these practices are, it is still important to see a dentist for professional teeth cleanings about twice a year. Doing so can help you maintain healthy gums and a healthy mouth, and our dentist in Sacramento, Upen J Patel, DDS, can provide you and your family with the comprehensive care that you need in order to have the best possible dental health.
When it comes to having healthy teeth and healthy gums, there is plenty that you can do every day and easily incorporate into your routine. By brushing between meals, flossing daily and regularly rinsing your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash, you can effectively get rid of a lot of everyday plaque buildup. You can even take it a step further by making sure that you stick to a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and stay away from too much sugar or bad habits such as tobacco use. Doing so can help reduce your risk of developing cavities or gingivitis, but that does not mean that it is entirely impossible for these things to occur. In order to take the absolute best care of your teeth and gums, you should be seeing your local dentist about twice a year or about every six months or so. With regularly scheduled exams and teeth cleanings with Upen J Patel, DDS you can have completely healthy gums and mouth no matter what. During each visit, our dentist in Sacramento will thoroughly examine your mouth, looking for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or even oral cancer. From there, Dr. Patel will thoroughly clean your teeth using professional precision tools to help get rid of more significant plaque buildup.
Some people only visit the dentist when they feel like they have to, but by visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and teeth cleanings you can reduce your risks of emergency visits all together. Call us here at the dental office of Upen J Patel, DDS to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Sacramento today so that you can better maintain a healthy mouth and gums on a regular basis.
By Upen J Patel, DDS
September 29, 2015